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School Nurse - Scheduled Reports Menu

When a School Nurse user schedules a report to run at a later time, the finished report can be accessed on the Scheduled Reports Received page. To get to that page, click the Scheduled Reports > Received Reports menu link.

On the Scheduled Reports Received page, the available reports are listed. You can adjust the number of reports that appear in the list (Show 10, 25, 50, or 100 Entries), and search for a specific report in the list (enter part of the name in the Search field). You can also use the First, Previous, Next, and Last buttons located under the list to view additional pages of the list, if applicable. To sort the list of received reports by report name, type, or date, click the column header.

To view a report, click it in the list. Use the browser's print feature to print the report.

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