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School Nurse - Main Menu

The School Nurse Main menu offers the following links:

Once you click the Main > Login link and the login window is displayed, you can log in to the application and, depending on your state's configuration settings and user access level, you can request access (username and password) to the application, request a new password, or be prompted to select a school.

When School Nurse users are created, they can be linked to a specific school, county, or district. If linked, the user's access to information and reports is linked to the school, district, or county they were assigned to.

Access to the Facilities Not Reporting and School Submission reports is restricted to State or District level users.

See also: Login / Logout / Main Menu in the IWeb User Guide

Log In

To log in to the application, click the Main > Login menu link. Enter your username and password, then click Login. (If necessary, click Request Access or Forgot Password, if they are available on your login page.) After logging in, one of four different pages appears (depending on state-configurable administrative options):

Confidentiality Agreement

If the Confidentiality Agreement page is displayed, read the agreement and click either the Accept or Decline button. If you click Decline, however, you are denied access to the application.

School Nurse Requirements Reminder

If the School Nurse Requirements Reminder page displays, read the requirements and click Continue. Once you have agreed to the School Requirements statement, it does not display again until the next school year. Note that school requirements are created and defined by the system administrator.

Choose School

If the Choose School page displays, click the Click to Select link, then search for and select the school from the pop-up window. The available schools depend on how your user account was configured. After selecting the school, select the default grade from the drop-down list and click Continue. Note that if a school is not selected, you cannot search for or edit patient demographic or vaccination records.

Patient Search

This is the main application page. See the School Nurse - Patient Menu topic for more information.

Document Center

Administrative users can upload documents to the application and users with the Document Center Access permission can download them. At least one document must be in the Document Center for the link to appear in the Main menu.

To access the Document Center, click Main > Document Center in the menu. The Document Center View page opens. See the Document Center topic in the IWeb User Guide for more information about uploading and downloading documents.

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