IWeb logo IWeb Mass Immunizations Module User Guide

Mass Immunizations - Reminder/Recall Menu

Reminder/Recall is used when you want to notify patients about upcoming or past due vaccinations. The Reminder/Recall menu link only appears if you are authorized to access it, and only the patients you own are included in the results. The Run Templates link is also available in the Reminder/Recall menu category.

The results of a generated reminder/recall can be any of the following:

Each time the reminder/recall is generated, a running total per patient not is incremented by one unless you select the Increment Recall Count option, in which case the total is increased by one. There is also a state-configurable option that automatically selects this option, although it can be deselected by users.

The state administrator has the option to decide which patient address a user has to print on the reminder/recall output options. If this option is enabled:

Printer Setup

The browser's print function is used to print the information, so you need to remove any headers or footers on the Page Setup window that opens when you select Print. In addition, if you are printing postcards, the margins should be set to:

Run the Reminder/Recall

Reminder/Recall can be run in real-time or set to run at a scheduled time. To run reminder/recall from a pre-existing template, click the Reminder/Recall > Run Templates menu link. Enter search parameters and click Search to locate the template, then click the name of the template in the Reminder/Recall Reports list that opens. Select the Increment Recall Count option if necessary and click either Run Report or Preview. (The Preview option displays a preview of the results, while the Run Report option starts the reminder/recall process from the beginning.) See Reminder/Recall Templates in the IWeb User Guide for more information.

To run reminder/recall without a pre-existing template, click the Reminder/Recall > Reminder/Recall menu link. The Reminder/Recall page opens. See the Reminder/Recall topic in the IWeb User Guide for more information and instructions.

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