IWeb logo IWeb Provider Recruitment and Tracking Module User Guide

Provider Recruitment - Main Menu

To start the application, open the web browser (only Internet Explorer is supported at this time) and enter the web address (URL) for the application website. The page that appears after you log in is known as the Home page; click the Main > Home menu link to return to it at any time.

The Provider Recruitment and Tracking module Main menu offers the following links, some of which are only available after logging in and approving the confidentiality agreement:

Log In

To log in to the application, click the Main > Login menu link. Enter your username and password, then click Login. (If necessary, click Request Access or Forgot Password, if they are available on your login page.) After logging in, one of several different pages appears (depending on state-configurable administrative options):

Log Out

To log out when you are finished using the application, click the Main > Logout menu link to log out, then close the browser tab or window.

Document Center

Administrative users can upload documents to the application and users with the Document Center Access permission can download them. At least one document must be in the Document Center for the link to appear in the Main menu.

To access the Document Center, click Main > Document Center in the menu. The Document Center View page opens. See the Document Center topic in the IWeb User Guide for more information about uploading and downloading documents.

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