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Required Fields

If the Required Fields settings are configured, the user is forced to enter information in specific fields in the application and/or in the DTT import. The enabled fields display in red on those pages, indicating that they are required fields. These settings affect IWeb , Health Promotion, and Mass Immunizations.

To access these settings, click the Administration > Settings > Required Fields link. The Required Field Selection page opens. Select the options as needed and click Save.

In the Required Field Selection section of the page, there are option buttons in two columns: one each for DTT/HL7 Import and Manual Entry.

The fields in the Required Field Selection section are as follows:

Field Description

Patient Ethnicity

Select one or both options to force the user to enter the patient's ethnicity.

Patient Race

Select one or both options to force the user to enter the patient's race.

Patient Sex

Select one or both options to force the user to enter the patient's sex.

Patient SSN

Select one or both options to force the user to enter the patient's Social Security Number.

Patient VFC /WYVIP Status

Select one or both options to force the user to enter the patient's VFC /WYVIP status.

Patient Address County

Select this option to force the user to enter the patient's county.

Patient Health Plan

Select this option to force the user to enter the patient's health plan.

Patient Mother Maiden Name

Select this option to force the user to enter the patient's mother's maiden name.

Physician Phone Number

Select this option to force the user to enter the physician's phone number.

Physician NPI

Select this option to force the user to enter the physician's NPI.

Vaccination Anatomical Route

Select this option to force the user to enter the vaccination's anatomical route.

Vaccination Anatomical Site

Select this option to force the user to enter the vaccination's anatomical site.

Vaccination Facility

Select this option to force the user to enter the vaccination Facility.

Vaccination Lot Number

Select this option to force the user to enter the vaccination lot number.

Vaccination Vaccinator

Select this option to force the user to enter the vaccinator.

Vaccination VIS Given Date

Select this option to force the user to enter the date the VIS publication was given.

Vaccination VIS Publication Date

Select this option to force the user to enter the VIS publication date.

Vaccination Volume

Select this option to force the user to enter the volume of the vaccination.

Vaccination Ordering Provider

Select this option to force the user to enter the provider who ordered the vaccination.

The fields in the Organization (IRMS) Specific Required Fields section are for requiring the users of specific Organizations (IRMSes) to enter information on the Patient Add/Edit pages. Click Add All to add all of the Organizations, or Remove All to remove them all. Otherwise, select one or more from the first box and click the right arrow (>>) to move them to the second (selected) box. The settings in this section only relate to the Organizations (IRMSes) in the second box.  Click Save when finished.

Field Description

Patient Address

Select the Organization (IRMS) for which the patient's address is a required field.

Patient City

Select the Organization (IRMS) for which the patient's city is a required field.

Patient State

Select the Organization (IRMS) for which the patient's state is a required field.

Patient Zip Code

Select the Organization (IRMS) for which the patient's zip code is a required field.

Patient Sex

Select the Organization (IRMS) for which the patient's sex is a required field.

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