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Order History Comparison Report

This report (Reports > Report Module > Vaccine Management > Order History Comparison Report) is used to review and compare order histories for two separate time periods for a specific date or range. It can be run by county (based on the county users assigned by the Organizations/Facilities) or selected Registry Client users or a statewide aggregate. The report excludes denied and merged orders. Vaccine types can be selected individually or all together for specific time periods. Multiple vaccines can be selected.

The report will run based on the county assigned to the Organization (IRMS) and Facilities. Therefore, if data is inaccurate (for example, if the Organization or Facility does not have a county assigned) or if PIN values are incorrect (for example, a facility in Adams County has a PIN that is designated for Yakima county), the report may be inaccurate. The report does not display PIN values, only county names.

The report can be run at any time, but scheduling is recommended.

Note icon  This report is available for County View or Registry Client users.
Field Description

Limit Report By

  • Patient/Provider County - Limit the report by a specific borough, county or parish by selecting it from the drop-down list. NOTE: When a county or parish is not selected, a list of all of the counties is returned, including the records that do not have order history in the specified time period. For the counties that did not order in the specified time period, a zero value is returned. When a county or parish is specified, the only data returned is for the one county/parish/borough that was selected.
  • Date Range 1  - Enter the beginning (From) and ending (Through) dates in the respective fields. This field is required.
  • Date Range 2 - Optionally enter a second vaccine date range.
  • Vaccines - From the first box, select one or more vaccines and click the >> button to move the selected item(s) to the second box, which holds the list of selected vaccines. Use the shift key to select multiple vaccines listed in order, and use the CTRL key to select vaccines that are out of sequential order. To remove one or more vaccines from the second box, select the vaccine(s) and click <<.

Example Report

The following image is of an example Order History Comparison Report:

Example Order History Comparison report

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