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Lead Risk Questionnaire

The Risk Questionnaire is designed to quickly screen a patient for their risk of lead poisoning. Before beginning the questionnaire, authorized users must first search for and select a patient, then click the Lead > Risk Questionnaire menu link. The Lead Risk Questionnaire page opens with the screening questions. Although the patient's name is not displayed on this page, the risk results are entered into the selected patient's record when the Save button is clicked.

If the patient was assessed with the questionnaire previously, the Questionnaire Last Completed date displays at the top of the list of questions.

For each question, select Yes, No, or Don't Know. When finished, click Save. The risk results are immediately assessed and displayed at the top of the page. If a high risk for lead poisoning is found, the information is automatically entered into the patient's record.

Note that questions are state-configured and may not appear the same for all users.

The questions on this page include:

  1. Does the child live in or regularly visit a property built before 1978 that has peeling/chipping paint or recent/ongoing renovation? This includes childcare centers, preschools, or homes of a babysitter or relative.
  2. Is the child on Medicaid?
  3. Does the child live in a high-risk zip code?
  4. Does your child live in or regularly visit a home built before 1950?
  5. Does your child have a sibling or playmate who has or did have lead poisoning?
  6. Does your child frequently come in contact with an adult who has a hobby or works with lead? Examples are construction, welding, pottery, painting, and casting ammunition.
  7. Did the child's mother have known lead exposure during her pregnancy with child?
  8. Is the child or his/her mother an immigrant or refugee?
  9. Does your child live near an active or former lead smelter, battery recycling plant, or other industry known to release lead?
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