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Annual School Summary Report (Washington)

Washington state law requires all public and private schools with students in grades kindergarten through 12 to complete and file an Immunization Status Report by November 1 of each school year. The Annual School Summary report lists the information for parts B and C of the form and states whether the report was saved or submitted.

To view the instructions for school immunization status reporting, School Nurse users can click the Reports > School Reports > Instructions link. The instructions appear in a new pop-up window.

Run the Report

To create the annual School Immunization Status Report for the current year, click the Reports > School Reports > Annual School Summary Report link. The Annual School Summary Report page opens. Enter the report criteria and click Saved to export and save the report as a .csv file, or Submitted to submit and save the report. Click Export

Field Description

Submission Type

Select one or both of the submission types: Saved, Submitted. At lesat one option is required.

School Year Select the school year from the drop-down list. This field is required.
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